Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Educational Revolution for Myanmar Buddhist monk


The Tipiaka is a vast record, containing in modern script more than 24 million characters in over forty printed volumes. The Tipiaka (which means, literally, "three baskets") is arranged in three divisions: Vinaya Piaka, Sutta Piaka, and Abhidhamma Piaka.
  • “Vinaya Piaka contains the rules of conduct for the monastic order.
  • Sutta Piaka is a collection of discourses on various subjects by the Buddha.
  • Abhidhamma Piaka is a compendium of profound teachings elucidating the functioning and interrelationships of mind, mental factors, matter and phenomena transcending all of these.” (T. Bullitt. 10 May 2011)
The first canon that is the rule for the monks and female monks ( Bukkhunis) is called Vinaya in Pali since during the time of the Buddha so really that now all monks have to study and follow by its having 227 for male monks , 313 rules for  female monks ,and 110 rules for novices.The second canon which is the collection of the teaching of the Buddha has stories of His many existences of life of 550 stories called Sutantta Canon.The third Canon is the wisdom of highest knowledge being called Abhidhamma that shows the way how to get the way of goal of Nibbana, liberation of suffering by concerning with phenomena of nature of the truth, and Buddha declared that the way of practicing of Meditation to get Nibbana. Everything is being changed by cause and effect, because of cause and effect. 

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Top 50 World Universities

Top 50 World Universities

Justice: What's The Right Thing To Do?

Justice: What's The Right Thing To Do?

Harvard University's 359th Commencement, 2010

Harvard University's 359th Commencement, 2010


President Obama Sings "Sweet Home Chicago

President Obama Sings "Sweet Home Chicago

Educational Excellence for Hispanic Americans

Educational Excellence for Hispanic Americans

First Lady Presents National Award to Scripps College Academy


Catherine Mohr en TED 2009


Paola Antonelli

Monday, February 20, 2012

The Gratitude of our Parents which should not be forgotten,

Introduction:  According to the teaching of the Buddha,  even something has ever been eaten by others must be remembered having gratitude on each other. Buddha deeply spoke to monks about gratitude of Father and Mother, in which His teaching is because Parents are the first teachers of children to be development of knowledge and life.
in case of that They have to look after their children, the gratitude of parents out not to be forgotten as long life.
1. The reason is  since the child was born was being treated and looked after his or her development.
2. The reason is  that every parents have five kinds of  hoping for their children when they are to be old and after to be death.
3. The reason that there is even any parents who have loving-kindness on the children.
4. The reason that every parents are hoping for  their children to be educated and honest persons in future.
Conclusion: As the following kinds of the reasons, to be educated and rich person to lead a good moral life in societies,
any one ,who are educated and rich person, are supported and shown by the way of parents.

Walking Meditation Retreat

1 step:  Right to touch
            Left go touch
2 step:  Lifting treating ( right and left)
3 step: Lifting moving treating ( right and left)
4 step: Heel up Lifting Moving  Treating ( right and left)
5 step: Hell up Lifting Moving Lowering Treating ( right and left)
6 step: Heel up Lifting Moving Lowering Touching  Pressing ( right and left)

Friday, February 17, 2012

The Dalai Lama "Finding Happiness in Difficult Times

BBC-The Life of Buddha.La Vida de Budhha


Diamond Sutra 101 - Part 1


Manifest Anything You Want - The Secret Law Of Attraction


Testing Human Energy

Testing Human Energy

Money Is Coming To Me

Money Meditation

Money Meditation

I am a magnet to money!


The Planets Song

The Planets Song

Interview Tips - "Tell Me About Yourself"

How to Build Your Self Confidence


Self Esteem, Confidence


Believe in Yourself


What I am and what I will become...


A Parent's Wish


Disney Mothers - A Mother's Love


CELINE DION-Miracle & I love you


A father's love


Mama - Celine Dion


More US Cities Getting Aboard Idea of Streetcars

More US Cities Getting Aboard Idea of Streetcars

Justice: What's The Right Thing To Do?


Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Old English: Languages of the World: Introductory Overviews

Old English: Languages of the World: Introductory Overviews

Middle English: Languages of the World: Introductory Overviews

Late Modern English - A2 English Language Revision

Late Modern English - A2 English Language Revision

Business English Speakers Can Still Be Divided by a Common Language

Business English Speakers Can Still Be Divided by a Common Language

Oasis of the Seas Tour

Oasis of the Seas Tour

The Sun's Death - Its Effects

The Sun's Death - Its Effects

The Largest Black Holes in the Universe

Cosmic Journeys: The Largest Black Holes in the Universe

In US, an Epidemic of Prescription Drug Abuse

In US, an Epidemic of Prescription Drug Abuse

Want to Lose Weight? Try Counting Calories

Want to Lose Weight? Try Counting Calories

VOALearningEnglish VOA Learning English

VOALearningEnglish VOA Learning English

Europe, World Shaken by Eurozone Under Stress

Europe, World Shaken by Eurozone Under Stress

Scientists Search For Life Beneath Antarctic Ice

Monday, February 13, 2012

Key Points About the Way to Nibbāna

  1. Nibbāna is the cessation of craving, so the way to it opposes defilements. The purpose of insight meditation is not to get ‘blissed out,’ though one will experience plenty of joy and bliss if one practises energetically. At the higher stages of insight one must become thoroughly weary of the mental and physical processes. Only such world weariness can lead to nibbāna.
  2. The Middle Way is not the easy way. Progress may be relatively pain free for an individual with very little attachment, and it may be swift for someone of keen intellect, but for the average person it will require prolonged and strenuous effort. One should expect to encounter difficulties on the way.  Be wary of teachers who claim that it there is an easy route.
  3. Insight meditation must focus on realities that can be known in the present moment. All mental and physical phenomena must be investigated as soon as they occur within one’s mind to realise their true nature.
  4. Thinking and theory are far away from direct insight knowledge. Thinking must be observed with bare awareness to realise its true nature. Reading and listening to discourses are only an aid to practice.
  5. All conditioned things are impermanent, unsatisfactory, and not-self. If meditation does not reveal these three characteristics, it is not insight meditation, and does not lead to nibbāna.
  6. In the discourse on the Eight Thoughts of a Great Man to Venerable Anuruddha, the Buddha said, ”This Dhamma [Nibbāna] is for one who wants little, not for one who wants much; for the contented, not for the discontented; for the secluded, not for one fond of society; for the energetic, not for the lazy; for the mindful, not for the unmindful; for the composed, not for the flustered; for the wise, not for the unwise; for one who is precise and who delights in precision, not for the vague or for one who delights in diffuseness.” (A. iv. 227)http://www.aimwell.org/Books/Pesala/Nibbana/nibbana.html

Where is Nibbāna?

“Is there a place, Nagasena, where nibbāna is stored up?”
“No there is not, yet it does exist. As there is no place where fire is stored up yet it may be produced by rubbing two dry sticks together.”
“But is there any place on which a man might stand and realise nibbāna?”
“Yes there is; virtue is the place; standing on that, and with reasoning, wherever he might be, whether in the land of the Scythians or the Bactrians, whether in China or Tibet, in Kashmir or Gandhara, on a mountain top or in the highest heavens; the one who practises rightly realises nibbāna.”
“Very good, Nagasena, you have taught about nibbāna, you have explained about the realisation of Nibbāna, you have praised the qualities of virtue, shown the right way of practice, raised aloft the banner of the Dhamma, established the Dhamma as a leading principle, not barren nor without fruit are the efforts of those with right aims!”

The Milinda Pañha was written over two thousand years ago, not very long after the time of the Buddha. Venerable Nagasena was reputed to be an Arahant, though I suppose that Milinda (Menander), being a Bactrian Greek king, was a non-Buddhist from birth. It is apparent from the range of his questions that he had a thorough knowledge of Buddhist teachings. Though the dialogues probably did take place — it may not have been in the form that we now have. The Milinda Pañha could have been compiled by a Buddhist scholar to please the Greek king, perhaps being based on conversations in the Greek king’s court. Whatever its origin may be, it is included in the Pali Canon, and is regarded by Theravadins as a masterly exposition of the Buddha Dhamma.http://www.aimwell.org/Books/Pesala/Nibbana/nibbana.html


Nibbana is the highest bliss, a supramundane state of eternal happiness. The happiness of Nibbana cannot be experienced by indulging the senses but calming them.
Nibbana is the final goal of Buddhism. What is Nibbana then? It is not easy to know what Nibbana really is; it is easier to know what Nibbana is not.
Nibbana is not nothingness or extinction. Would the Buddha leave his family and kingdom and preach for 45 years, all for nothingness?
Nibbana is not a paradise. Several centuries after the Buddha, some of the Buddhist sects began to introduce Nibbana as a paradise. Their purpose of equating Nibbana with a heavenly world was to convince the less-intellectually-gifted and to attract them to the teachings of the sect. Striving for Nibbana came to mean looking for a nice place where everything is beautiful and where everyone is eternally happy. This might be a very comfortable folktale, but it is not the Nibbana that the Buddha experienced and introduced. During His time the Buddha did not deny the idea of paradise as it was presented in the early Indian religions. But the Buddha knew that this paradise was within Samsara and the final liberation was beyond it. The Buddha could see that the Path to Nibbana led beyond the heavens.
If Nibbana is not a place, where is Nibbana then? Nibbana exists just as fire exists. However, there is no storage place for fire or for Nibbana. But when you rub pieces of wood together, then the friction and heat are the proper conditions for fire to arise. Likewise, when the nature in man's mind is such that he is free from all defilements, then Nibbanic bliss will appear.
You can experience Nibbana. Until you experience the supreme state of Nibbanic bliss, you can only speculate as to what it really is. For those who insist on the theory, the texts offer some help. The texts suggest that Nibbana is a supra-mundane state of unalloyed happiness.
By itself, Nibbana is quite unexplainable and quite undefinable. As darkness can be explained only by its opposite, light, and as calm can only be explained by its opposite, motion, so likewise Nibbana, as a state equated to the extinction of all suffering can be explained by its opposite?the suffering that is being endured in Samsara. As darkness prevails wherever there is no light, as calm prevails wherever there is no motion, so likewise Nibbana is everywhere where suffering and change and impurity do not prevail.
A sufferer who scratches his sores can experience a temporary relief. This temporary relief will aggravate the wounds and cause the disease to be enhanced. The joy of the final cure can hardly be compared to the fleeting relief obtained from the scratching. Likewise, satisfying the craving for sense-desires brings only temporary gratification or happiness which prolongs the stay in Samsara. The cure for the samsaric disease is Nibbana. Nibbana is an end of the cravings which cause all the sufferings of birth, old age, disease, death, grief, lamentation and despair. The joy of Nibbanic cure can hardly be compared to the temporary Samsaric pleasure gained through fulfilling the sense desires.
It is dangerous to speculate on what Nibbana is; it is better to know how to prepare the conditions necessary for Nibbana, how to attain the inner peace and clarity of vision that leads to Nibbana. Follow the Buddha's advice: put His Teachings into practice. Get rid of all your defilements which are rooted in greed, hatred, and delusion. Purify yourself of all desires and realize absolute selflessness. Lead a life of right moral conduct and from all selfishness and illusion. Then, Nibbana is gained and experienced.
Nibbana and Samsara
A well-known Mahayana Buddhist scholar, Nagarjuna, says that Samsara and Nibbana are one. This interpretation can easily be misunderstood by others. However to state that the concept of Samsara and Nibbana are the same is to say that there is no difference in voidness of component things and the unconditioned state of Nibbana. In accordance with the Pali Tipitaka, Samsara is described as the unbroken continuation of the five aggregates, four elements and twelve bases or sources of mental processes whereas Nibbana is described as the extinction of those relative physical and mental sources.
However, it is admitted that those who gain Nibbanic bliss, can experience it during their existence in Samsara. In any case, after their death, the link with those elements will be eliminated, for the simple reason that Nibbana is unconditioned, not relative or interdependent. If there is to be anything at all after Nibbana, it would have to be 'Absolute Truth'.
You must learn to be detached from all worldly things. If there is any attachment to anyone or to anything or if there is any aversion to anyone or anything, you will never attain Nibbana, for Nibbana is beyond all opposites of attachment and aversion, likes and dislikes.
When that ultimate state is attained, you will fully understand this worldly life for which you now crave. This world will cease to be an object of your desire. You will realize the sorrow and impermanence and impersonality of all that lives and that does not live. By depending on teachers or holy books without using your own effort in the right manner, it is difficult to gain realization of Nibbana. Your dreams will vanish. No castles will be built in the air. The tempest will be ended. Life's struggles will be over. Nature's process will have ceased. All your worries, miseries, responsibilities, disturbances, burdens, physical and mental ailments and emotions will vanish after attaining this most blissful state of Nibbana.
To say that Nibbana is nothingness simply because one cannot perceive it with the five senses, is as illogical as to say that light does not exist simply because the blind do not see it.
Nibbana is attainable in this present life. Buddhism does not state that its ultimate goal could be reached only in life beyond. When Nibbana is realized in this life with the body remaining it is called Sopadisesa Nibbana. When an Arahant attains Pari-Nibbana, after the dissolution of the body, without any reminder of physical existence, it is called Anupadisesa Nibbana.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

The voice of invitation of Dhamma

Published : 9:39 AM Author :Ashin Thuseitta

This is a good chance for meeting of Buddhist Religion. Someone who are good person, with getting good chance, has been practicing on the way of the teaching of the Lord Buddha.The following  which is, is the truth of Dhamma by lord Buddha.Those which teaching are, (1) to follow by which Rule  ( Keeping Morality) or Precepts, are called ( Vinaya Pitaka),What concentration is, is to do work or business or meditation by taking carefulness in any action by every moment.By keeping concentration of any action which may be working or doing business, that should be mindfulness on the mind, so every doing of working or business whatever we are doing, our goal  will be able to end of success-fulness  in all. (3) Highest Knowledge ( Abhidhamma Pitaka) which is make sure to get the right way or middle way how to practice Meditation , is to try to see as it is in mind and matter or mind and physic or body.To understand those ways of teaching is to  be studied step by step.

(1)Studying of the ways or three Pitakas , is called ( Pariyatti Sasana).
 (2) By studying the teaching of the Lord Buddha, it is not enough, so we need to
Follow and practice to be able to really be understood by those ways which is the best or most love to practice one of the ways, being called ( Patipatti Sasana).

 (3) Having understood and practiced on the ways, by keeping the Morality, getting Concentration, or Mindfulness, and Wisdom ( Insight Knowledge or Highest Knowledge),
Those which are making sure us to get goal of life that can be peaceful, and be free from suffering of life,  by called ( PatiVeda Sasana).

In which there are many ways of teaching by lord Buddha, it is expressed anyone who want to practice Dhamma or Meditation,  he or she can choose one of them which he or she most like to do in any way of them.There has been the truth Dhamma or ways,which was not able to be seen or found, but Lord Buddha by Himself had found ,then He spoke or declared about Dhamma to the beings by tow ways which are Adhamma  (untruth) not to be followed, and Dhamma ( truth) to be followed step by step.
The Dhamma is noblest way to be practiced, which has been  welcoming to all to able to come and try to practice. In Pali word ( Ehi – Passi ko) which is quality or the voice of invitation of Dhamma or Meditation etc).

All beings always by eating, drinking , working to get worthy of success fulness of life in  the  simple rich,  were  wasting the time.The time which  has been spend ed or wasted by carelessness, has forgot  forever.
The  Buddhist Teaching ( Sasana)  respect Practical  doing more than speech, which is also  a Religion to do piratically.Lord Buddha used to go to teach Dhamma by loving-kines  in the Societies for 45 years until He had passed a way ( MahaPriNabbana).

The Education or way of life how to be practiced  can cause to be noble person to get highest knowledge or wisdom which is worthy for not only in being peacefulness of present life, but also in future life to be standing on  highest class which will be free from all suffering ( Sansara).In case that, Dhamma expresses the way to be avoided from evil or bad action, and the way to be kept or practiced by Lord Buddha.The Dhamma in Meditation is like good medicine to be able to treat the defilement which are greedy ( Loba) Hatred ( Dosa) and ignorance ( Moha- not able to see the truth)so as to be treated by Dhamma, without spending money, Lord Dhamma is taking care-of to be from  diseases of defilement of mind and body, so all are being  invited warmly by sweet  and peaceful voice of Dhamma to be practiced.

May all beings well an happy and get noble Dhamma!
Ashin Thuseitta ( Mahachulalongkorn University, Chiang Mai)

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

ตอนที่ ๒๙ สถาปนาพระราชาคณะ

Bodh Gaya: Center of the Buddhist World

Bodh Gaya: Center of the Buddhist World

Vipassana Meditation - by Ram Dass

Vipassana Meditation - by Ram Dass

Patimokkha on Uposatha Day at Pa Auk Forest Monastery

Patimokkha on Uposatha Day at Pa Auk Forest Monastery

Pa Auk Sayadaw Dhamma Talk

Pa Auk Sayadaw Dhamma Talk



Obama Enters 2012 Race on Good

Arakan Tawagu movie ( Rakhine)

Arakan Tawagu movie 1

Mrauk Oo KingDon of Arakan ( Rakhine)

Mrauk Oo KingDon of Arakan

The Soul of Arracan II - 1


Monday, February 6, 2012


By being said that “English is the road map of a culture. It tells you where come from and where they are going." ( by Rita Mae Brown, Staring from Scratch, 1988)
ကမၻာမွာအဂၤလိပ္စကားကိုေတာ္ေတာ္မ်ားသံုးလာေနခဲ႔ျပီးပါျပီ။ အဂၤလိပ္စကားကိုကမၻာ႔ေခါင္းေဆာင္ၾကီးမ်ားလည္းေျပာေနၾကတာပါ။အင္တာနက္ကိုသံုးမယ္ဆိုရင္လည္းအဂၤလိပ္စာကိုဖတ္တတ္မွသံုးလို႔ျဖစ္တယ္လို႔ေျပာလို႔လည္းရပါတယ္။ အဂၤလိပ္ဘာသာကိုသိသေလာက္ေျပာရမယ္ဆိုရင္၊Old-English, Middle-English,andModernEnglishရယ္လို႔သံုးမ်ိဳးခြဲျခမ္းထားတာေတြ႔ရပါတယ္။ အဂၤလိပ္စာကိုေလ႔လာသူတိုင္းလည္းအဂၤလိပ္စာ၏သမိုင္းအေၾကာင္းကိုပါေလ႔လာထားသင္႔တယ္လို႔ အၾကံေပးလိုက္ပါတယ္။
English, which is classified as an Indo- Eropean Language, has beeen marked by the mixing of many Linguistic layers since its orgins more than 5,000 years ago. The English vocabulary has absorbed words from a variety of people and cultures: The Angles and Saxons from the Germanic regions of Erope, the Romans from Italy, who used Latin, The Vikings from Denmark, and the Normans from France.  The English Language has had three states of development: Old English ( c.500-1150), Middle English (c. 1150-1500), and Mordern English (1500 to present). Middle English , the written and spoken English used in England between about 1150 and 1500, had many dialects. However, after Willliam Caxton introduced the printing pressin 1476 , the Landon dialects of Middle English came to be used through England and especially in written works.
By Chapter (1) Fourteenth - Century Middle English Poetry, ( research in MCU)

The Message sent by Laywoman from Bangkok

Please never ever use other lives for you but please use your life for others in this very present life.****
**** The days and the nights are passing: how are we spending our lives & times? Please spend your valuable times for others with Loving - Kindness and help them with the words from your deep heart. ****
**** And never ever destroy your name by your self until you left this world, and never ever lies yourself. And try to do the wholesome deeds as much as you can in your daily life. Because end of the life we will be judged by " I was hungry and you gave me something to eat. I was naked and you clothed me. I was homeless and you took me in. " **** It is very
Ms.lwin lwin than

Friday, February 3, 2012

International Program ( MCU)

Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalay University,
Chiang Mai Campus, Thailand
In this University, (MCU) the study of International Program has two   programs which are Buddhism and Humanity taught by teachers from Thailand and other countries well known now a day for foreign monks from different countries. There are two semesters each year by having ten subjects in each semester from junior year to senior year in International program. Openly I say, in this university, all Buddhist monks should be studying year by year, so as to be understood by the teaching of the Buddha, and general knowledge given as well as they are sharing the main idea to be developed in all societies. This university is teaching to students by not only Buddhist teaching, but also other good information, or the system of education for modern monks to be missionary monks in future. The modern monks have understanding how to compare between societies and teaching, being able to serve to get the duty of the way of the Buddha in development way by studying here. The student monks who are from different countries are able to see all tradition and culture of Buddhist religion by learning together in the same class having class activities in every week to be able to participated as soon as possible.
Before to study in this university, new students should study basic English in four skills of writing, reading, speaking, and listening what they want to study here, on the other hand, it is necessary to study basic computer ( typing, Microsoft office word, or Microsoft power point), and  metric mathematics ( intersection etc) which are very important for the monk students. According to studying of Dhamma, doctrines, actually, the main of this university makes sure to be development of mental power to get higher knowledge, which is giving the way how to take meditation as a main idea, and to be able to support or work in societies as the Buddhist monks.

As a short speech of me, by studying which is great, but by the way, there is some difficulty for those who are studying here, because there are no enough rooms or hostel for the monks, so they have to stay in Thai temple as they are giving. Actually, the place for foreign monks is difficult, because the University could not place suitable room, which is making a little satisfied for all foreign monks.

This is history of ancient pagoda in Rakhine State of Myanmar

This is history of ancient pagoda in Rakhine State of Myanmar

ThaiPBS Eng.News (01 Feb 2012)