Academic Report
Topic: My holidays
1: Doing as volunteer
2: Visiting for Sermon in Malaysia
3: Helping to my family in Myanmar
4: Helping to one of my friend to MCU
5: Conclusion
My holidays
First of all. After taking the final Examination of final semester in Final , Academic year of B.A in English Program in Mahachulakorn University, Chiang Mai Campus, I went to border of Thailand and Myanmar, and I was giving the message of the basic Buddhist teaching, Basic Computer to young students at a new Myanmar monastery in Myawaddy Town, Karin State , near Maesot, border of Myanmar. I really want to participated with social business as being a Buddhist monk as properly as I can for those who are young generation students from Myanmar. I believe that I must be real social worker monk who can give general knowledge through I have been learning from University having taught how to lead as Buddhist leadership in the Societies as good duty for the monks.
1: Doing as volunteer
Having a little bit experience that I have taught basic speaking English with Grammar, Basic Computer, and Basic Thai speaking to migrant people in Mahachul Campus, Chiang Mai City, I hopefully want the young students from Myanmar to learn something for their future, so I went to be a volunteer at a new temple for 20 days . I spend the time of teaching to students for 2 hours of each class that I had taught one time in the evening from 3:00 PM to 5:00 , and 6:00 P.M to 8:00 P.M for 5 days in a week.
2: Visiting for Sermon in Malaysia
During the water festival of Thailand, I had preached by giving message of Dhamma of Lord Buddha to Myanmar and Thai people, and I was involved in traditional Ceremony of Thailand. I , after that, visited to Malaysia having invited by Myanmar People , and I helped some duties of the temple as much as I could. At first I went to Dhammikarama Myanmar Temple in Penang City of Malaysia. Myanmar Temple is located near Police Station, center of Penang City, which is very nice to visit, because there are many interesting images of Buddha made by Myanmar style, and it is very quiet to take meditation. I saw many foreigners visiting there from different countries. When I was at that Temple, I met to Many foreigners and Myanmar people, I was participated by giving blessing to those who visited there.I visited another places in Penang , where the Buddha, and angel who is ( queen of China) are , is very similarity of Theravada Sect Buddhism that are also very lovely and good to be respected. I then visited to Kualalumpur , Capital City of Malaysia for ten days, and have given Dhamma to Myanmar people as much I have understood about Meditation how to practice and how to get real peace for the life of being after having practiced Meditation to be free from all suffering. Before getting Nibbana, liberation of suffering, I have given Dhamma topic what is No Pain, No Gain in which life is struggle and we need to try the best to be better and peaceful person in the Societies.
3: Helping to my family in Myanmar
On 16th of May, 2012, I left from Malaysia to Myanmar, and I went to meet to my family. Unluckily, my mother had problem with her left eye, so I took her to the eyes hospital in our City. I at first looked after her, then I helped my younger two brothers. I took young brother to get good job in another town of Myanmar, and I took my youngest brother who is a novice to study at another Temple. In my village, there are some social problems between eastern and western according to the misunderstanding on each other, so I explained about how to solve the case of problems to them as I was learning the way of solving problem in the Societies. Now is that they are getting good answer of problems, and they live happily live there. This is I think that is good duty for the monk to solve the social problem by the teaching of the Buddha as good Buddhist leader ship.
4: Helping to one of my friend to MCU
Last month, one of my friend who is a monk from Yangon, Myanmar, so he would like to study in Mahachulalongkorn University like us. I helped to get calling sponsor from embassy of Thailand, and it was easy for him to go to study in MCU. This is my responsibility to him as the best friend as I am for him.Not only for him, but also for other monks, I want to be a good volunteer monk, so I usually send message to the Internet for those who are any monks to study like us having to study good education with good qualities teachers from U.K or U.S.A in Mahachula University, Chiang Mai Campus.
5: Conclusion
Usefully, Spending the time when the students have got summer holidays as they have been learning something from Universities, The monk students as being social workers for the welfare of the people, I was spending the time usefully for my friend, family and village as much as I could. I believe that I will be able to do more than I am able to be doing now for development of the future for my country.